MS FrontPage not resolving images

I use FrontPage 2003 to develop my web pages. Yes, I know it’s 2024 but I’ve been using this for ages and I don’t do a lot of development, just some family stuff.

FrontPage used to work, resolving the pictures in the pages, but now it doesn’t. I’m running WIN 11 so I tried compatibility mode for WIN 7. I also opened up an old laptop that uses WIN 7 and images aren’t resolved there either. I changed an image’s link from the Infinity site to the old site I still have access to and the image resolved.

My images display on my Infinity website, they just don’t show up in FrontPage. Is there something that changed in Infinity that now prevents the images from displaying in FrontPage? It used to work, as of last fall, which was the last time I created some new pages.

It could be anything. What is the website?


maybe FP has problems with <iframe>
since your website consists of several iframes

Screenshot 2024-04-21 180007


The website is working, no problems at all. It’s the HTML editing software not displaying the images/photos

I am able to switch the link from the Infinity website to the old hosting website and the images/photos will display. I downloaded Notepad++, which can edit/preview HTML, and I get the same results; images/photos don’t display. If I edit an HTML page in either FrontPage or Notepad++, using links to the Infinity hosting site, the images/photos don’t display. If I switch to the previous hosting website, the images/photos display.

Everything was working in November of last year. I didn’t edit anything since then until today. Now the images/photos don’t appear and the page displays a broken link for them.

using the previous web host, everything still works
using the old or new html editor on the Infinity site, images/photos don’t display
(this is true for any of the web pages that haven’t been edited for years, using FrontPage or Notepad++)

Why would the text and tables display and not images/photos? I can copy the src= link from the html editor and paste it into a browser and the photo is shown, so it’s not a problem with the links. I edited one of the web pages, adding a link and YouTube embed, uploaded to Infinity and it works fine, displaying the images/photos.

Just to make sure I understand the issue correctly:

  • The website is working fine, and always has been. The problem is with MS front page (Or other local WYSIWYG editors)
  • In the WYSIWYG editor, you enter the URL of the image you want displayed that is uploaded to a web host.
    • If you link to an image hosted NOT on IF, it works
    • If you link to an image hosted on IF, it does not work

Assuming the above, when the editor calls the server to request the image, the security system is triggered and the image is not returned. It works if you link to an image on a different web host as other providers may not have the same systems.

As for working in the past, this system has been in place for as long as I can remember, so perhaps you were using local image copies or those hosted elsewhere?


First part of your statement is correct. The target website is working properly, regardless of what is happening with the HTML editors. Regarding your second statement, I doubt that the problem is with the HTML editors since changing the scr= value (in either editor) to the previous web hosting service results in the images being displayed. Using the Infinity hosting address results in no display, using either an old or “new and never used before” HTML editor. The HTML editor doesn’t show new or old images when using Infinity, but the FrontPage editor did in November '23.

Both statements are correct. I opened an existing web page in FrontPage (FP). The images/pictures did not resolve. I created that page last year in FP on IF. I made no changes to it, just opened it, and it was as I said earlier, no images/photos. I temporarily changed the code back to the old hosting site and the pictures appeared. Back to IF and the pictures didn’t display.

Editing the web page using FP (or Notepad++).
src=“” - no photo
src=“” -photo
(On the website, both work)

The image is requested the same way in a web browser, isn’t it? The image exists on only one server. Whether I request the image in an HTML editor, paste the image’s URL in the search bar or use a web browser to get to the page, it’s a published/open to the public image. It’s the same server hosting the file. The security would be the same.

I failed to say thank you for replying to my question. I appreciate everyone’s help. Many thanks :slight_smile: )

No, I moved to IF in December 2022. I copied the web pages images and photos from the old site to IF. I created new pages, images and photos on the new IF site.

The images/photos on the IF website display, so the HTML is correct. New photos were created for the IF site, they don’t exist on the old site, so there’s only one place they can be accessed. I can edit anything, including images/photos, ftp upload to the IF site, put the src= URL in the code and publish the web page to the IF server. Everything works. I just can’t see the images/photos in the HTML editors.

If it was security, wouldn’t it be a problem
for both editors?
for HTML text, tables, etc?
Why just images?

I keep a backup of the entire website locally, yes. If I was to reference the local copies then the web site wouldn’t work. The page(s) would be full of unresolved links, but that’s not what’s happening.

When you edit the page in FrontPage, the HTML is coming from your local computer, right? Or is it editing it live over FTP?

If you are adding in an SRC attribute to an IMG tag, and front page is trying to request that image from IF, it will fail as FrontPage is not a browser (nor does it need to be).


FP is WYSIWYG. There are tabs to see Design, split screen (code & WYSIWYG), code and preview. Notepad++ has code and preview windows.

When developing in FP you can specify pictures from your local drive or from the Internet. When FP was connecting to an FP server you could publish the entire site; images, photos, HTML, everything. Now you have to use FTP software to publish the individual parts. If you are editing in FP and haven’t sent the images/photos by FTP to the hosting server you will get the ‘not found’ red X on your edited webpage. That’s what I’m seeing on mine, FP or Notepad++. It appears to me that there is no connection between the HTML software and the hosting website. The requested image isn’t returned. But if you publish the HTML, it works. Images are resolved and the page is properly displayed. It’s just difficult to edit in HTML software.

In the attachments with code you can see the IF “<base” points to the IF server.

Here is the split page with the “<base” pointing to the old hosting site. The images/photos display.

Here is the IF hosted site with the source code displaying the images/photos

Yeah, this is your problem:

FP can’t request the images from IF, it gets blocked.


I’m thinking there is something wrong with my account. I don’t use my site for file sharing (although you’d just need to provide a link to a file on your hosted site without putting a link on the page), API hosting, DB hosting or any background processes. I have a pretty simple site of HTML, images and photos.

I have a few questions:

  1. It worked for me all of 2023 and I developed/modified several pages. Was this policy implemented in 2024?

  2. Not allowing development software to access images already uploaded to the server will make it nearly impossible to develop a page, IMO. If I develop a page of images and HTML on my PC and upload the images to the IF site I then have to modify the HTML to point to the IF images before uploading the page to IF. If there is a modification I have to change my HTML back to the local sources, modify, change it again to the IF links and publish. Is this the recommended IF process?

  3. Am I the only one reporting this issue? If so, what is everyone else using as an HTML development tool? (FP is old, but Notepad++ is current and has the same issue.)

  4. How do I escalate this issue to developers?


No, it’s been around for several years. Are you sure that you used links to images hosted on IF before?

Normally, editors automatically generate relative links when you export, and most modern WYSIWYG editors allow you to upload the images directly into the software, which then exports the relative image links and the images themselves.

The recommended process is to code locally with relative links, then upload the working directory via FTP when you are ready to push to production.

Again, use relative links. Or create environment variables if using a programming language or framework. Hardcoding in a URL is not a good idea as URLs can change

It’s not an issue, it’s a feature. It’s not going to be changed, especially since there are workarounds, and removing it will cause more issues than it will solve.

You can always upgrade to premium which does not have the restriction.


[quote=“Greenreader9, post:13, topic:92604”]
No, it’s been around for several years. Are you sure that you used links to images hosted on IF before?[/quote]

I used FP all of 2023, from the move from the old site to my last modified page in 11/23. It always worked… always.

FP used to do that but it required a FP supported host server. I have used Notepad++ in the past and it didn’t offer that ability. I don’t think it does now but I will explore.

I’ve heard that before :joy:

Okay, thanks for your time. I’ll drop back 10 yards and punt

No, this system has been in place since before InfinityFree was launched in 2016. I don’t know why it worked for you before, I cannot think of any way it would.

Developing a local website with remote resources is very unusual in my opinion. Usually, if you develop your website locally, you have your entire website locally. That way, you can easily make changes to images along with your website code, making sure everything works, and then upload everything to your live site. Building a local website with remote resources makes that much more difficult.

Usually, the way to do this is to use relative URLs. So instead of having URLs like hard-coded on all pages, you can use relative URLs like /images/photo.jpg instead. Some people choose to use a few sprinkles of PHP to generate the URLs dynamically.

I have never used FrontPage and don’t know what would work well with it. But as a software engineer, I can tell you that developing against production systems is something that you should never do.

I think you’re the only one, yes. I have even seen other people use FrontPage who didn’t talk about any issues like this.

As for alternatives, I don’t really know of any. Desktop based WYSIWYG editors are a dying breed. Web based website building platforms are much more popular: you can have advanced, dynamic functionality on your website, edit your site from all your devices, and never have to deal with moving files across.

I have contacts at iFastNet to get issues resolved. But only for things which are beneficial to the hosting platform in general. And changing major components of our hosting just because it’s inconvenient for the development workflow of a few people is not something they will do.

It seems to me that your particular workflow just doesn’t work well with our hosting. If you like our hosting otherwise, please consider changing your URLs so you can use local images during development instead. If that’s not an option for you, then you may want to consider an alternative solution to host your website, or at least the images.


I found the problem. Apparently the SSL certificate isn’t working or wasn’t applied, although the previous one wasn’t expired. Maybe I failed to do something to make it work.

In my HTML I have target=“_self” HREF=“httpS://”>
That’s not resolving because it’s not currently a secure site because of the SSL certificate. I remove the “s”, making it http and everything pops into place.


It won’t resolve in FP as https:// only as http://
Firefox will accept either, probably forces https://

That’s a workable solution for me. I just need to make the link secure before publishing. At least I can see the images now.

My account has been suspended for too many hits. It’s probably because of our investigation into the issue, or additional readers to this thread, going to the site. Can I get it activated again or do I have to wait for the 24 hour time out?

You’ll just have to wait 24 hours. It will come back online though, you just gotta hang tight :slight_smile:


It says I’m allowed 50,000 hits per day. There’s only 11 guys in our fishing group and only 1 says he’s getting the suspended page. It’s a very small group of people (as far as I know) that ever goes there. It would be nice if there was a hit count and source info that was posted. Is that on a control panel?

I think our analysis of my problem accounts for some of it but there may be people viewing the thread that account for the rest. It’s just over the top for my normal page activity I’m sure.

I don’t mind waiting but I don’t want to be considered a problem account because of this.