Lost my ability to get mail on my domain name after SSL certificate


Hello there! I saw on my domain site (name dot com) a warning about changing the CNAME which read: “A CNAME or Canonical Name record points a host name with no other records to another valid hostname. The Canonical Name you use shouldn’t have any other DNS records associated with it. Please note that CNAME records should be used rarely—an ANAME record or A record (for common aliases and host names) should be used instead where possible. A bare CNAME (ie: no “www”) will break MX records and prevent email from working. We recommend placing the CNAME on the “www” subdomain. If you do not understand what CNAME records are used for, we strongly suggest that you do not tinker with them. Misuse of CNAME records can cause problems with the resolution of your domain name and potentially bring down your site.”

And indeed, once I asked Infinity Free to automatically make a cname record (Where? I do not see it in the DNS records on name dot com now…) my email on my domain doesn’t work anymore. I have one email service at name.com through their Titan email system, cielia@hatchcounselling dot com

I’m stressed, as I’m running a business and do want to get my emails up and running asap! I think I can delete the SSL certificate to get it to work but I’m wondering can I have an SSL certificate and not have a cname or do some other type of workaround so I can have my email work?

Thanks in advance!

Sounds like changing of nameservers broke the email service.
Check with name.com what records are needed to get your email service working


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