Losing my mind uploading my site

Hello guys, I’ve built my site in Incomedia Website Professional 12 & got it looking as good as I can… I’m trying to upload it via FTP to thegreenepetcompany.com but it’s not letting me… It’s saying that the FTP address is the issue - I’m assuming this is still ftp.epizy.com but I’m obviously letting all the technical details get the better of me… I even uploaded it through the file manager but I don’t see on the web what I see when I preview it through my website builder. I know I ask a load of questions but I’m really eager to learn this stuff so if someone is out there and can help - I’d be very grateful !!! Thanks !!

The FTP address ftp.epizy.com is the right FTP server hostname. You may want to check the following settings in the uploader:

  • Is the website uploaded to the htdocs folder?
  • Is Passive Mode enabled on the FTP connection?

I don’t have experience with that website builder, so I can’t tell you where you can find those settings unfortunately.

Yes - that’s all correct in terms of what I’ve put in… Just stuck I suppose