Issue with linking server with google sites

epiz_29279881 |

I made an infinity free website because this is the BEST free web hosting platform I came across, I like the UI of google sites and I wanted to design my website in Google Sites with the domain name but the Infinity Free servers don’t support TXT CNAME records, that I read.

My Problem: I went to my Google Site, Clicked Settings > Custom Domains > Start Setup > Use A Domain from a Third Party > Typed in ‘’ which had red letters saying: " This domain is not verified. Please verify your ownership"

Then I clicked the hyperlink, added the CNAME verification and the HTML verification, then at the top: “Verification failed for using the DNS CNAME record method (21 minutes ago). We were unable to connect to your server.”

What the hack did I do now?

This is more of a Google Sites issue. If you will be hosting your website with Google, you don’t need InfinityFree.

I have never used Google Sites, but this guide should be able to help you.

To verify your domain, it looks like you need to set it up with the Google Search Console first.

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Well, I want to use the IF server but use the Google Sites website designer, because its free and easy, if you say I should set it up on GSC, I will

I’m not sure what you mean by that. IF does not provide domains.

You should setup your domain with the google search console, than connect it to Google Sites.

Doesn’t the RF.GD server come from Infinity Free?

Also, My main problem is that Infinity Free does not support TXT DNS Verifications

!!! SOLVED !!!

I did not add the when setting it in Google Search Console, then adding the CNAME THEN adding it as my domain, so thanks to Greenreader9 for helping me!


Not a problem! Glad you got it working.


One important thing I want to inform you about:

We provide website hosting, and we officially don’t support hosting free subdomains elsewhere. If your website with us gets no traffic (because the traffic is directed to Google Sites), the account may be flagged for inactivity and be deactivated and deleted.


oh poomp, well, the main link I use is the and that domain in and of itself has no page except a redirect page, google for some reason only shows the page if I add a www. to the URL, so, the main link I will use is the (no www)

so the traffic will get a little bit every now and then

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