Infinity free

Apakah infinty free support ads.txt?
Situs web saya sudah di setujui adsense. Mereka menyarankan untuk Uploade file ada.txt di situs dan saya sudah mengupload nya. Akan tetapi tetap tidak berhasil. Apakah infinty free tidak support ads.txt?

Does infinty free support ads.txt?
My website has been approved by adsense. They suggested uploading the ada.txt file on the site and I’ve uploaded it. But still didn’t work. Does Infinity Free not support ads.txt?

We do, but this system may stop some other sites from finding it.


Maaf sebelumnya maksudnya bagaimana?apa artinya infinty free tidak support ads.txt?

ads.txt is just a text file. You can upload text files to our hosting and they will be served on your website and the appropriate URL. There isn’t really anything to support.

Checks for the ads.txt may fail due to the security system that Greenreader9 linked to.


So is there a workaround for the ads.txt check for this website to work?

It depends. What type of domain are you using?


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