I upgraded to iFastNet Premium Hosting start but i cant upload anything

have I upgraded to iFastNet Premium Hosting start but i can’t upload anything, I can’t update plug in I cannot install plug in I can’t do anything.

these are the messages that I receive
UPDATE: Update failed: Could not create directory. /home/obaschoo/public_html/wp-content/upgrade/contact-form-

INSTALLATION: Installation failed: Could not create directory. /home/obaschoo/public_html/wp-content/upgrade/classic-editor.1.6.3

UPLOADING: Failed to write file to disk.

Please Help me to solve this problem! Thank you in advance

My guess is you’re either experiencing a permissions issue, or have reached a storage quota. You can find some more information here. But if neither of these are the case and you think it’s a hosting issue, then you’ll want to contact support at iFastNet. I’m sorry, but we cannot help you with support issues with premium hosting, as nobody at InfinityFree has access to that system. Please see the below thread for more information. If you’re trying to move your site from InfinityFree to iFastNet, then you can also create a ticket with iFastNet asking them to migrate your site. They have a tool they can use to automate the entire process.


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