I need to change the IP of my site

Website URL

http://svitlasvit.pp.ua and http://svitlasvit.great-site.net
svitlasvit.pp.ua is alias of svitlasvit.great-site.net

Error Message


Other Information

My internet provider has blocked the IP on which my website is hosted. I received a recommendation to contact my hosting provider to change the IP of my site. If possible, please do so.

There is no option for this, though you can create a new hosting account in the client area which may be on a different IP address. I think the more ideal solution is to ask your ISP why they’ve blocked it however. InfinityFree has a limited amount of IP addresses.


Yes, 100%!

Your best option is to just ask your ISP to change it. I have done the same thing ~15 years when I still playing World of Warcraft and got IP Banned.

Hahahaha… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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