I lost every single file

Website URL

(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)

Error Message

(404 Not found)

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I finished doing my website a couple hours ago on an account made yesterday, now i saw that the page is not loading the website, i checked via ftp and literally there is absolutely nothing, not even those files made by default on root, there isn’t shit, and i’m pissed. Do i need to make it from scratch to see it wiped away again?

This sounds like a temporary glitch, try submitting a ticket to support


Side note, make sure you always have your own backup of everything. Data storage can be corrupted, and you don’t want to lose everything if that happens.


Hello, and welcome to the InfinityFree Forums!

First, your website http://lapensine.42web.io/ is returning a 403 Access Denied.

While I am unsure how your site is set-up, it seems to be working?
(Reason why I am confused is because the usual 403 is more InfinityFree themed.)

I am not sure why this is occurring for you. A few things to note: First, make sure to upload your site’s files to the htdocs folder of your site, second PLEASE avoid touching the root!

Accounts take about 24 hours from new to be prepared to run websites. New sites take about 72 hours to be propagated.

User may have an issue sending a support ticket, I’ve found you can only send a ticket if the account is Suspended.


yes I forgot about that


that’s because once i made the forum i started remaking everything

yes, i know htdocs are the correct folder, btw i had a backup, i’ll see now if will happen again

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I’m glad to see that you’re back


ty :slight_smile: Home is kinda ugly but im too tired to work on it again lol

I think your site looks great, if you want to see ugly then look no further than my horrible (hand written html in a text editor) website :rofl:


I think both of yours sites look great… And nothing wrong with html in a text editor. I use notepad++ myself lol.


If you want to talk about ugly sites…

Only thing nice in my opinion is the JS newswall.

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