I have deleted index.html by error

Hi my site is fconverter.rf.gd, I deleted index.html and uploaded my own index.html with my site redirection, the problem is that before deleting index.html when I searched for fconverter.rf.gd it sent me to fconverter.rf.gd/?i=1 and my site loaded, now with my new index.html when I look for fconverter.rg.fd it doesn’t load on my cell phone, it keeps loading on my computer, what I would need is the original index.html file please, where there was assigned the query ?i=1 which I assume is a built in configuration

Hello and welcome to the forum.

You may need to clear the cache on your phone.

Also, no need to multiple post. I’ve unlisted those to keep the clutter down.


thanks for the greeting and to the reply, i am seeing that after deleting the index.html file and uploading mine, the ?i=1 parameter is not appearing, maybe sometimes appear, the site is working, maybe is an issue regarding my phone

Problem solved, it was my cell phone, now the site works also in in phone

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