I can't find my website

Trying to access my site keeps saying I can’t find my network server. I’ve tried everything on Chrome Safari and have been waiting for about 5 minutes, but I couldn’t access my site. How can I access my site?

Hi and welcome to the forum! What is your website URL so I can check?

If you still don’t specify it, please take note it might take up to 72 hours for your website to work due to DNS caching:


Oh of course my link is http://discord.chaefrog.xyz/.

I think I noticed the problem! You’re using two sets of nameservers on the domain:

The first ones aren’t right, while the second set is right! Decide which nameservers you’re going to use, and only keep a set (so keep our nameservers and remove the Gabia ones).


Wow! Thank you!


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