Welcome back to the forum! Any domain hosted here can have HTTPS, even our subdomains; here is a guide to obtain a certificate with our Free SSL Certificate tool:
If you’re using free hosting with your own domain or a subdomain, you’ll want to make your website work over HTTPS (SSL). Fortunately, InfinityFree provides all the tools you need to make it so. If you like videos better then text guides, scroll on down to the bottom of this guide.
This guide uses the control panel functions and the Free SSL Certificates tool provided by InfinityFree to get SSL up and running on your site.
Step 1: Set up the domain on your hosting account
The first thing to do…
Also, when you try to embed your website onto another website, you might encounter this issue:
InfinityFree is a website hosting service. That means that the hosting accounts we provided are intended for hosting websites. Websites contain pages that are accessed through web browsers. InfinityFree is not intended to be used for file sharing, API hosting, database hosting or background tasks/tools.
To help enforce this, free hosting enforces a security system that makes sure that anyone trying to access your website is using a normal web browser. This is done by checking whether the web br…