Htdocs accidently deleted

I accidently deleted my htdocs folder, then i tried to make a new file with the same name and uploaded my website code. When i try to see my domain it popped up error code 404. Is there any way to fix this?

That should do it

Make sure to re-create htdocs folder as well. What is the website?


i already make the new folder with htdocs name, tried to upload my files and the error 404 still shows up

you may need to clear your browser cache to solve the issue
can you post the website url so we can check , thanks


here is my website, please if you know how to fix this let me know

@Vincent2139 don’t make clones on the forum
uses original acc @Vincent213


Sorry my bad didnt know i logged into different acc

also can you post a screen shot of your root directory in file manager


here is it


if you don’t have a .htaccess file inside that second image of yours

then create a .htaccess file inside the htdocs folder (where your index.php is) and put this code inside

#Start here
DirectoryIndex index.php

But I think something else is the problem because I can’t call a single file from your screenshot

are you in the right htdocs ?

And in the future, don’t take a screenshot so that the address in monstaFTP (long URL) is visible, because anyone who sees it can access your FTP


i have inputed every files into the new htdocs folder and the .htaccess file, but the error 404 still show up. Could there be something wrong with the url not the htdocs folder?

Please be patient until the admin comes and he will take a look


I’d love to help you with this, but it seems that the domain was deleted about 6 hours ago.

The corresponding htdocs directory is deleted too. I don’t know if you deleted it after deleting the account, or if it was already missing before (because if it was, then that’s the issue).


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