.htaccess Deleted!

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL


Error Message

(This site cannot provide a secure connection)

Other Information

Hello. I accidentally deleted the .htaccess file in FTP. I fixed it again and recreated the file. But I am getting the error This site cannot provide a secure connection when entering my site.

You don’t have an SSL certificate installed. If you want to load your website over HTTPS, you will need to install a certificate.


I was able to access my site without SSL before. This problem happened after accidentally playing with .htaccess

So what did you do?
Please show the .htaccess


I recreated it.

# Create a new .htaccess file in your htdocs
# directory (or example.com/htdocs/ directory)
# to add your own rules or override these rules.

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm index2.html

ErrorDocument 403 https://errors.infinityfree.net/errors/403/
ErrorDocument 404 https://errors.infinityfree.net/errors/404/
ErrorDocument 500 https://errors.infinityfree.net/errors/500/

Hey, i am solved problem. Hello, I solved the problem. I was using the free version, my server was down because it had 99% uptime. my site is working now. thanks

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