How to restore my web?

Website URL

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Error Message

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I didn’t check my web in the recent 2 months, but last week I found it was not working. I can not visit the admin entry too. Because I have backup the whole web and download to my laptop before, I decided to delete all the files in the server and upload my backup to restore the website.

Now the problem is that when I upload my backup, there is limitation for the FTP and I received message said that you have finished the FTP limitation today. It took me three days, but I still can not upload the backup to the server. Can you help? Thanks.

Other Information

(other information and details relevant to your question)

Did you hit the inode limit?


I’m not sure what you saw here. There are no daily FTP limitations. Could you maybe share the real error message that the FTP server returns?

Uploading a backup should be pretty straight forward. If it’s a .zip file or another archive format, then extract it first. Then, upload the extracted files and folders from your computer to the htdocs folder of your site.

Looking at the counters in the control panel, the account is nearly empty.


Thanks for help from all of you. Today I finally managed to upload my backup to the server. But the website still doesn’t work. Can you kindly check and help me with this issue? It worked pretty well in August and I have no idea what happened at all. Thanks

Your site is working fine for me, there are just some deprecation warnings that indicate that the version of WordPress and some plugins you are using are not fully compatible with PHP 8.2.

You can usually ignore them, but making sure your WordPress and every plugin is up-to-date should fix this.


Thanks, chris. But what do you mean —working fine? Now I can not open it, also, I can not login in the admin page. Can you help?

Hmm, you’re right.
Do you have Display Errors set to on, or WP_DEBUG set to true? If so, I’d recommend disabling them and trying again.

The following is a quote from an article that describes how to enable these settings, but I altered it to show instructions on how to disable them:

Alternatively, the login page in seems to work, so you could try that. Can’t know if any of the deprecation warnings will prevent any redirects and cause any further issues, though.


Thank you, Chris. I finally get my website back and all of the problem disappeared suddenly. I just delete the wp_config and set up again.

Thanks for your help!!

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