How do I set up email?

Thank you! Now, I can’t log in with the email I registered with, and I know the password, but not working. I guess I registered with my business email, but that’s the problem, I can’t access the email to try and reset the password.

Are you referring to the client area login?
Client area and control panel are two different logins

I tried logging on here:, with my username, epiz_33642247 and password. This is where it’s saying the information I provided is incorrect.

You can reset it from the client area

I’m in the client area but not seeing where to change the password for epiz_33642247. I logged in at


My screen looks nothing like that. I didn’t have any accounts created here, so I tried to create one with my custom domain. I get the error: The domain name is already added to a hosting account on InfinityFree. Please login to the control panel for the account to remove the domain from the existing account.

So you need to do that

Can you screenshot the domains listed in the client area?
What is the domain?

This is what I see when I log in at, not sure where to go next:

I still can’t log into cpanel at I can’t get the reset email because it’s being sent to the business email, which isn’t receiving anything right now. Am I still in the wrong place?

Are you sure epiz_33642247 is tied to this client area account?

I’m not sure. How would I do this?

If you had the account epiz_33642247, you would see it in the list of accounts. But it seems like that account is registered to a different profile you created with a different email address.

From the client area of that email address, you can see the account, login to the control panel automatically with a single click, and see and update the password of the account.

I’ve sent you a direct message with the email address.


When I log into the cliet area, there are no accounts there for me to click.

Make sure you are logging in using the email address Admin sent you in a personal message


Did you login to the client area with the email address I gave you? Or are you logged in with the account you’re using to post here?

The email address I sent you has the hosting account epiz_33642247 in it. The email address you’re using on the forum doesn’t have any accounts.


I’m in, and I’ve added the records. This will resolve my email issue? There is an existing MX Entry, should that be deleted? Is there anything else I should know? Thank you!

If you’re not sure about your MX records, you can use an MX record lookup tool, like If the settings detected by the lookup tool match what your email provider has told you to configure, then all is good.

Other MX records only the page only apply to MX records that are for the same domain name. So an MX record for any other domains on the account, are irrelevant for the domain you’re trying to configure.


Thank you! I think this has solved my email problem!

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