How do I change a file permission in the File Manager

I am trying to get the file permissions to the executable to save the responses from the forms using PHP. Unfortunately, I am unable to do it. Whenever I click CHMOD, nothing happens.

Literally, nothing happens.

I will be thankful if you will fix it urgently.

CHMOD is disabled on free hosting:

What are you trying to achieve?


I want to execute PHP but I couldn’t get that. This is the code:

header('Content-Type: text/plain');
// Set the file path where you want to store the form data
$dataFilePath = __DIR__ . 'data/form_data.txt';

// Check if the form is submitted
    // Get form data
    $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '';
    $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
    $phone = isset($_POST['phone']) ? $_POST['phone'] : '';
    $message = isset($_POST['message']) ? $_POST['message'] : '';

    // Validate data (you may want to add more validation)
    if (empty($name) || empty($email) || empty($phone) || empty($message)) {
        die('All fields are required.');
        echo $name;
        echo $email;
        echo $phone;
        echo $message

    // Create a formatted string with form data
    $formData = "Name: $name\nEmail: $email\nPhone: $phone\nMessage: $message\n\n";

    // Append data to the file
    $result = file_put_contents($dataFilePath, $formData, FILE_APPEND);

    // Check if the file operation was successful
    if ($result === false) {
        die('Error: Could not write to the file.');

    // Display success message
    echo 'Form submission successful!';
} else {
    // Display error message if accessed directly
    echo 'Error: Invalid form submission.';

Now, it should be storing the data from the forms in data/form_data.txt but it doesn’t.

Can you help me out? ( I used ChatGPT in every single way. It doesn’t work )

What did you expect? :joy: ChatGPT is not intended to be used as code assistant.

As for the problem:


Hmm… I can try that

This part is incorrect. The __DIR__ parameter does not have a trailing slash. So if the __DIR__ is htdocs, then you’re now trying to write data to the file htdocsdata/form_data.txt. Adding a slash, so it becomes /data/form_data.txt, should do the trick.



It worked

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