How can i set a default charset?

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My special chatcters are getting displayed as questionmarks. how can i fix that?

See if this will help


I’ve looked it up, sadly every page is behaving like that. This .htm file is created automatically and works, when i open it natively in my browser (Local File → Browser). Do you have an other sugggestion for my problem?

Make sure the file encoding is in UTF-8, the servers use Linux as the operating system which do not handle Windows’ file encoding formats well.


More specifically, websites in general use UTF-8 by default, and newer standards do not permit other encodings.

Please save your files with UTF-8 encoding instead. Most code editors do this by default, and it will put you on the road to full HTML5 compliance, and makes it possible to edit your files through the file manager if needed (the file manager only supports UTF-8).

Please search the web for how to do that for your website building software. If you can’t find it, please let us know what you’re using to build your website so we can guide you.


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