How can I get my domain name back?

I got a very bad experience, not possible to get a free SSL and its complicated even to find the nameservers

I want to run away from this hosting. Now 3 weeks just trying to remove my domain name!

Hi and welcome to the forum! You can remove the domain from the “Addon Domains” section of the Control Panel, then you can change the nameservers to whichever other hosting provider you want to use. I’m so sad you had this experience with our hosting though…


Thanks again but when i click on addon domains, the nameservers option doesn’t appear at all! Take a look. Please help me get back my domain name!
[](https://Have a look)

I’m sorry to hear that. If you’re willing to give us a last chance, please explain the issue and maybe we can help you.

That’s odd, because I see you have a free SSL certificate already from Let’s Encrypt, which is issued and valid. What issues are you experiencing?

Really? I would think that the error messages in the client area and control panel, as well as the instructions linked to on the account creation page, are all quite clear and make it hard to miss. Do you have any suggestions for changes that could help avoid this for others?

Your domain name is yours and always has been. We don’t control your domain name.

Changing nameservers is done at your domain name provider. By setting the nameservers when you created your account, you delegated control of your DNS to us. If you would like to change the nameservers again and transfer DNS control elsewhere, simply go back to your domain registrar and update the nameservers there.

You can’t find the option to change the nameservers of your domain with us because those aren’t set through us, but through you domain name provider.


Hello again,

Sorry, am trying it again but I will come back again and try with another domain all from you may be it will be easier. With the SSL i still get website not secure and I thought https:// would be there automatically.
Thanks again,

I’m sorry, but installing the SSL certificate isn’t the final step. Installing an SSL certificate only makes your website capable of using HTTPS. It doesn’t automatically mean everyone will actually start using it.

That’s good, because most websites require some additional changes before they work properly on HTTPS. We could (theoretically) force HTTPS by default when you install the certificate, but doing so will break many sites, which is entirely unnecessary.

You’ll need to manually update your website configured to use HTTPS URLs (if necessary), and setup some way to force all traffic to the HTTPS version of your site.


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