Hosting Crashed! 403 Access Denied

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403 Access Denied

Kindly Help me, i have invest a lot of time creating this site, but now it is not loading.

Did you ever read the pinned topic?

If you don’t have a backup, then there’s nothing we can do for you unfortunately.

But the databases remains intact which can be used to rebuild your site if you are using a CMS like WordPress.


i am using wordpress, i dont have any backup, kindly suggest me what i can do now?
should i wait for this domain to work or should i create a new site on different volume?

It’s not gonna work if you just wait like this unfortunately.

You can just recreate the site on the old account with the old volume — the volume was already fixed except that the data was gone.

After installing WordPress back to your account (DO NOT USE SOFTACULOUS) you can go ahead and change wp-config.php to reconnect the site to your old DB. You can find the details inside your Account > MySQL Databases.


Can you guide me step by step on WhatsApp? 92 HIDDEN BY MOD

No, this is a community forum and by providing the solution publicly it can help others. And don’t share your personal informations here.

If you need help I can provide the guide here, but not on some social medias.


Okay can you tell me step by step here, what to do now?

  1. Go to Accounts > MySQL Databases.
  2. You should see a DB available. Click on phpMyAdmin to open it.
  3. Take a screenshot and post it here so I can tell you what to do exactly next.

  1. Now, open the table wpsd_options and find the value of active_plugins, stylesheet, and template. This is used to determine the current active theme and plugins.

You may share these details here in case you are uncertain what they mean.


this is wpsd_options

Did you see the value right to that option?

You have to click on it expand it, otherwise we’re unable to build a list, as it was just an excerpt in your screenshot.

You’ll also have to use the pagination to find template and stylesheet for your theme.


Great, now keep those in mind.

  1. Download a fresh copy of WordPress from and extract it locally.
  2. Copy wp-config-sample.php into wp-config.php and change the following lines:
// ** Database settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define( 'DB_NAME', 'DB Name' );

/** Database username */
define( 'DB_USER', 'Hosting account name' );

/** Database password */
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'Hosting account password' );

/** Database hostname */
define( 'DB_HOST', 'MySQL host' );

and this

$table_prefix = "wpsd_";
  1. Download FileZilla (Client) from See this guide on how to use the app:
  1. Upload your copy of WordPress to your account.
  2. You may now login to your site at
  3. You should see something like “Plugins xxx deactivated”, “theme not found”, and that’s ok.
  4. Go to the “Themes” page and install & activate the “Blocksy” theme.
  5. Go to the “Plugins” page and install & activate the following:
    1. All-in-one WP Migration
    2. Blocksy Companion
    3. Classic Editor
    4. W3 Total Cache
    5. WP Mail SMTP
    6. WPForms

Now your site should load up normally. Some data is lost, but the configs, posts, and some other things should be present.


okay i am trying it

where is wp-config-sample.php and wp-config.php located?

In the extracted WordPress you just downloaded. It’s not in the database.

There’s no wp-config.php by default, you’ll have to rename or copy wp-config-sample.php into it.


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