Hi Im new member

hello, I’m new member here, I want to know if Infinityfree is really free. Previously I used premium hosting from another provider with specifications of 16 gb ssd nvme 64 gb ram for $ 2 for life but their server uptime was very bad at 23% and I decided to look for free hosting and my friend said I recommended infinityree because my friend also used it. when I visited my friend’s website and checked what cms technology he was using I was surprised because free hosting can use node.js wow

sorry if i wrote the sentence wrongly because my english is bad

We only support PHP.



Probably that FFplugin accidentally found a match and thought it was about node.js

there are many triggers if you search with “node” here

and you will get an impression of how many things can wrongly indicate that it is node.js.


Not to even mention that it thought the site is using Ghost when it’s clearly WordPress. Clearly not reliable.

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