
I need cURL to access my website content here, I use cURL fopen etc., the website will display all white with no content! Please help me!
Example results:

You could just park your domain to your hosting account instead:


At least you can use the iframe tag, but you can’t use the iframe tag! Really sucks!

Hi Fzkunzzteam,

You’re asking something about your code, please share the code and we can tell which syntax causes the error, thanks.




Can't display the content, the results are the same as PHP and HTML! The resulting code:

The website is free but please can you download the website content! Besides, the website is mine, the paid website has too little storage so I use infinityfree as a database.
But unfortunately I can’t download the content, I’m really disappointed

For the code:
<Iframe src=""></iframe>

Hi Fzkunzzteam,

Seems like the screenshot attempt didn’t work, please edit and try again.


Still it doesn’t work, using the iframe tag doesn’t work, what’s the solution?? Free websites generally can use iframe tags or can take content from that website. But it can’t be done here.

Try reloading the browser and try pasting the code image or source code again. Your issue is specific to the source code rather than iframes. We cannot solve without any visibility to the php code of that page.

I corrected the image and code

iframe is probably not working because hotlink protection is in effect
it only works if everything is on the same domain/subdomain


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