
Help my account hit limits and is suspended?

Read this?

Wait for suspension to lift.
Raise support ticket if it is permanent suspension


Yeah but I don’t think I went over 50k like wtf.

A “hit” is every time a file on a hosting account (which can be anything from an HTML page, to a script, to an asset file) is called on. Depending on how large your website is and how many different files it has, it’s more than possible to get 50 thousand in a day, even if the amount of visitors you have is far less. See this topic for more information:


What is the actual reason for suspension?


It’s temp suspension bec of hits

Only 2 people used the site…and my site is only images, scripts, css and html in one index

Please read the article Edward shared carefully.

It is the thing you mentioned (images, scripts, css) that matters the most. It doesn’t matter that much of how many people use your site; if you put 50k files into one index then just 1 person can trigger the limit.


I don’t have 50k files

I didn’t say you have 50k files (It’s not possible here either), but it is possible that you have a lot of files and can easily get overloaded. Let’s say 100 files — then with 500 page views the limit will be reached.

It is also possible that your site gets attacked.


Any other free hosting with no hit limit ?

This is the forum for InfinityFree; discussing other hosting companies is not allowed.


A post was split to a new topic: Yeah idk what this guys question is -gr9

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