Help with social network?

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Error Message

404 on accesspages? is database write scripts like create.php even working?
(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)

Other Information

any help to get this config done right thanks :)if youre a sysadmin here at infinityfree you can fix anything obvious thanks
(other information and details relevant to your question)

I’m sorry but I’m not really sure what you’re asking. PHP scripts are authorized to make changes to your SQL databases, as long as you get all the credentials right and avoid using temporary tables.

InfinityFree’s hosting is unmanaged. Community members may be willing to walk you through specific problems with your site, but we aren’t going to create your site for you, nor is the owner of InfinityFree. If you need developers, you can hire them elsewhere.


nah nah :slight_smile:
i just need some advice where home.php does not fullly present all its elements on the web page etc.

If I try to access the home.php page, I see that the following code is added to the very top of the page.

<script>setTimeout(() => { window.location.href = "your url" }, 100) </script> 

This code will send people to the URL url 100ms after the page is loaded.

This should trigger a 404 error. But you have a custom ErrorDocument rule in your .htaccess file that should show the file at /404.php. But no such file exists, so that doesn’t work properly either.

The home.php file itself also responds with a status code 500, which usually means that the PHP code crashed.


This is cool and helpful thanks Admin. Why is for all that;s uploaded for my home.php only a tiny few elements and objects showing up?

Also why is login.php blank? if we fix this what about home.php if it still comes out that way?

ok now just why is home.php blank>>? sorry lolol

home, event, file are clearly not accessible and group also lacks a couple fields

My guess is that it’s a side effect of this:

If the page crashes halfway, then only content already shown will be visible.

Please see this article for more information on where to begin fixing this:

I didn’t check it, but my guess is that the login.php code also crashed.


This even sounds realistic but what, should I remove pagination.php?

It looks like home.php loads but I cant see why the rest of the tables are here. IdeasS?

I can’t access the home.php, it redirects me to the login.php.

But generally speaking, your website works the way it does is because that’s what your PHP code does. If it doesn’t behave as you’d expect, it’s probably an error in your PHP code.

And of everyone here, you know best how your website should work, and you know your codebase like no-one else. So you’re better equipped to fix it than anyone here.


So it is simple if you download it and compare it to wittymoniker/tabletime: social network in php sql html

I’m sorry, but I’m not going to test and debug your website code for you if that’s what you were hoping for.

If the code appears to stop rendering halfway the page, or is blank entirely, you should always open your browser’s developer tools, check the Network tab and refresh the page. If it says the status code of the page is 500, it means your code crashed. And then you’ll want to enable Display Errors in the PHP options of your website and refresh the page to see the actual error message. Once you have the error message, you should have a pretty good start to troubleshoot and fix the issue.

If the code doesn’t crash but still doesn’t work as expected, then that’s just your code doing what it’s programmed to do. And if that’s not what you want it to do, then you should update the code so it does do what you want it to do.

If you need help with that, there is Google, StackOverflow, ChatGPT, Copilot and other tools that can point you in the right direction. But you can’t ask us to build your website for you, because that’s not the service we provide.


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