your free ssl certificate is not working I have not seen secure site
I could not seen my site secured after installing automatic free SSL certificate

(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)

There possibly may be something wrong with, checking…

There is, see the pinned topic.

5 Likes my site is not secured how I got the secured site

  1. Domain Checker

Domain Checker

Enter a domain name to check

Verify that your domain name is set up correctly and identify common issues by entering it in the box below.

Nameserver Status

No nameservers were found on your domain name.

Please check the settings at your domain provider, or ask them for help.

Please note that nameserver changes can take a few hours to take effect.

Hosting Account Status

The domain is assigned to an InfinityFree account, but not an account owned by you.

Hosting Account Status

The domain is assigned to an InfinityFree account, but not an account owned by you.

Please see the pinned topic. The domain is down


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