GET and POST requests not working?




I execute request to site and my script handles the post request, but I get an error
“This site requires Javascript to work, please enable Javascript in your browser or use a browser with Javascript support”.

Before the redirect problem on the suspenddomain this problem didn’t exist.

This site requires Javascript to work, please enable Javascript in your browser or use a browser with Javascript support


curl --location --request POST ‘
–form ‘get=“new”’


You can’t use your website as an API-like service.


Okay, thx

I think that for a long time newer versions of Postman do not have the possibility of running JS for security reasons

on some older versions it was possible to override the settings and allow sendbox (javascript) in the settings

I assume you had this installed
and that the postman loaded cookies from your browser
so that’s why you were allowed access

but when that cookie expired
then you can try to visit your domain again through the browser
so that you are assigned a new test cookie and to synchronize again

in short, the server checks whether you are a bot or a real browser
and then assigns you a task via JS
and when the browser resolves it, it receives a cookie named __test

but even without postman, you can use the browser (dev tools) to do get, post, etc…
read on the net how…mainly through the network tab


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