FTP upload issues

Is anyone getting errors on FTP upload?
I use FileZilla to upload my files and I’m getting Certificate errors

and login error randomly
when I do connect, performance is horrible.
I’ve tried from several different internet contections to rule out service provider issues

this is the log for the login issues:


Hi and welcome to the forum! You’re not the only one to experience this; Admin yesterday told iFastNet to fix it and to install the renewed certificate on the FTP server, but since they still didn’t do that, you’ll have to click on “OK” each time you connect to the FTP server to accept the connection. Also, for that strange error during login, can you please enable full FTP logs, copy them and share them here?


thanks for your quick reply, for the certificate, I was guessing something similar to what you said, but that together with my login issues made me wonder if something else was going on.

here is the full log: (it keeps trying and finally it manages to login, but performance is horrible, many disconnection and failures when uploading files)

Hi, currently there is instablity in the FTP server, might want to try again next hour!


nice, is there anywherre I can get this info for future cases? telegram channel twitter, something like that? I’d like to avoid wasting your and my time posting here :wink:

No, this (along with the Client Area and main website) is the only official place you can get information about downtimes.

However, the FTP server is not down or unstable right now. I read through your log and I see nothing out of the normal. The only thing is that the FTP server currently doesn’t have an unexpired certificate; however, I assume iFastNet is working to fix this.



Anyhow, let me doubt that all is fine. I’ve tried another computer, with another FTP cliente and Another connection (this time a 4G) and still face same issues, so either my account has some issue, or there are server issues (maybe isolatedon some volumes…) something is going on besides the SSL certificate.

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