Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access private property srms::$query error please help

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access private property srms::$query in /home/vol6_5/epizy.com/epiz_31102412/1 Stack trace: #0 {main}

thrown in

/home/vol6_5/epizy.com/epiz_31102412/ on line 272

Getting this error please helpme

Please provide more info. What is the url?


Thanks sir for responding
Url is

Can you show the code for it? (Hide the password)


Seems quite clear to me. There is a class srms in your code that has the variable $query defined on it, with the private visibility. This means the variable $query is only accessible from code within that class. If you try to access it from elsewhere, you’ll get this error.

To fix this error, you can either:

  • Make sure that the $query variable is not being accessed from outside the class.
  • Add getter and/or setter functions to the class so you can read and/or write the value of the $query variable, without exposing the variable itself.
  • Make the $query variable protected or public instead of private so it can be accessed from other parts of the code.

thanks admin sir can you see my code to check it out ?

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$object = new srms();

$object->query = "
SELECT * FROM exam_srms 
WHERE exam_result_published = 'Yes' 
AND exam_status = 'Enable'

$result = $object->get_result();

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                            <strong style="color: #f00; font-size: 20px; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #000;">Important
                                Instruction</strong> : Before proceeding to see the result, please keep your
                            Registration No/Enrolment Number &  PKJC Student ID (PKJCID) handy. Please also ensure that you dedicate at
                            least 10 minutes to study the report for viewing more analytics, OMR Script(in case of omr exam),Online EXAM Anylytics and other details  clck on option provided for viewing these. This is essential for you to really understand
                            the provided analysis of your performance. These 10 minutes of concentrated study
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There is no PHP code in the snippet that you have provided. Please show the one which is responsible for communicating with the database.


Sir code it’s full code please check once full code it’s included

No, it is not.
It only shows the database query.
Nothing is known about how you made the database connection.
The error could stem from connection or anywhere


What you need sir then

Code was working fine from last 5 months what happened now

I need to see the content of admin/srms.php



It’s like I said before: the $query variable in the srms class is set to private, which means it’s only accessible from within the code of that class. Setting it from the index.php file should not work.

I’m more surprised that this worked before, because private variables should not be accessible like this. That should have been the case with PHP 7.4 and 8.2.

And the solution is also what I said before:


What changes should I make in code

I am impressed how those private methods could be called publicly according to what you mentioned.

Anyways change private keywords to public.


Warning : Undefined variable $count in /home/vol6_5/epizy.com/epiz_31102412/testresults.pkjchemistry.rf.gd/htdocs/result.php on line 839

Warning : Undefined variable $student_data in /home/vol6_5/epizy.com/epiz_31102412/testresults.pkjchemistry.rf.gd/htdocs/result.php on line 839

Warning : Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/vol6_5/epizy.com/epiz_31102412/testresults.pkjchemistry.rf.gd/htdocs/result.php on line 839

Warning : Undefined variable $count in /home/vol6_5/epizy.com/epiz_31102412/testresults.pkjchemistry.rf.gd/htdocs/result.php on line 839

Warning : Undefined variable $student_data in /home/vol6_5/epizy.com/epiz_31102412/testresults.pkjchemistry.rf.gd/htdocs/result.php on line 839

Warning : Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/vol6_5/epizy.com/epiz_31102412/testresults.pkjchemistry.rf.gd/htdocs/result.php on line 839

Hi harshvardan,

Would you please paste the full content of /result.php here so we can take a look?

Please format your code and use the image functon when pasting a reply. Remember to remove all credentials, usernames, hostnames, API tokens, etc with **** before posting.



Problem solved thanks to all

File manager is down???