Error when getting a SSL certificate

Website URL

Error Message

SSL certificate error: The provider encountered an error verifying the DNS settings of your domain name. Please double check your nameserver settings and try again later.

Error detail: No TXT record found at

I even tried adding manually a TXT record but still get this error. Please help.

You are doing it the wrong way.
Please read


I followed these exact steps. Chose recommended provider and did exactly what was written here.

Which is…???

What did you do?


I don’t think you’ll need TXT records when ordering a free SSL certificate on infinityfree.Follow the guide that @KangJL tolds you.
If the system telly you that you really need TXT records,then keep in mind that all kinds of dns changes can take a few hours to take effect.

I’m aware that you are putting crypto/blockchain contents on your site which is strongly prohibited here and will lead you to suspension.Take care.


Please make sure to setup the CNAME record as advertised there. If the DNS check in the client area says ready, then do not touch the DNS records.

The error detail shown is the error message returned by the SSL provider. It can be useful for troubleshooting but it must be taken with a grain of salt because what it implies is not always what’s relevant to you.

If you request the certificate as soon as the check goes green, it’s possible that the CNAME record hasn’t been fully propagated yet.

If you try again after an hour, you may have better luck.


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