Error when deleting domain

Website URL

Error Message

An error occurred while connecting to the hosting platform. Please try again later or use the control panel.

Other Information

Cannot delete the domain. Please delete it for me.

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Hi and welcome to the forum!

Try to do that operation from the Control Panel and see if it works. There seems to be a problem with the Client Area connection to the Control Panel; this is why I’m telling you that.

If it still doesn’t work, you might need to wait until the Control Panel gets back up.


control panel website won’t open

That’s strange, as for me it still works (though not the Client Area functions for now)…

I’m sorry to say that, since it doesn’t work for you, you’ll have to wait until everything gets back up.

EDIT: It should be up now, so check and see if it works.


There were some issues with the control panel being (partially?) down last night. Since the client area functionality relies on the control panel, if the control panel is down, then the client area won’t work either.

Note that there is no special admin only button I can use to delete the domain either. So if the control panel is down, I can’t remove the domain for you either.

So if you are in a similar situation again, please just wait for the control panel to come back up, because there is not a lot else that you can do.


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