Error 503 Service Unavailable

Website URL

Error Message

I am receiving either:
This site cannot provide secure connection

Apache Server at Port 80

Other Information

I recently upgraded to a premium hosting and had a bad experience so I canceled and came back here. My domain had gotten blacklisted by Google and I got it reviewed and cleared but now my site will not connect and is throwing inconsistent errors. I saw some other people posted a help request on the forum and had it fixed. Please help me with figuring out what I need to do to bring it back online. Thank you

I checked your site and it’s working fine from here.

The error page you’re seeing also doesn’t seem like a message generated by our hosting. It could be a page from premium hosting, which you may still be connected to due to DNS caching.


Hi there,

Thank you for your response earlier. Just double checking since its been about 24 hours now since the problem started, it seems to be working from there and I should be able to access it again in a couple days? There’s probably nothing I need to do till then? Thank you again for your help

Your website works fine for me:

If you want to be able to access it faster rather than waiting for a few days, the article linked above by Admin mentions some things you can try out.


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