Error 500

Website URL


Error Message

Warning : file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/autoload.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/php_sessions:/tmp:…:/var/www/errors:/usr/share/pear:/home/vol2_8/ in /home/vol2_8/ on line 69

Other Information

my website was running normaly before general error 502 . after that I get error 500 for all my websites . how to fix this ??


Maybe try to add this to .htaccess? :thinking:

php_value open_basedir "/htdocs/unsecured"

I tried every thing related to .htaccess but got the same error .
also I tried to modify paths in Autoloader.php and got Error 502 this time

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You cannot access files on the root directory /, you must access it within the /home/vol2_8/ path.


all paths are in htdocs directory , there is no wrong with my php code . it was working normaly 3 days ago . I think it’s a serverside permission after upgrading php 3 days ago. because I got error 502 first , after a few hours I got 500 error without doing anything .

This is surprising how it has worked before because the error above literally says that the php code has failed to open a file in the root folder which is out of your permission.

Check it again, it won’t hurt.

here is my second website it’s been working for almost 2 years and I got clients . I got error 500 at the same time 3 days ago

Can you activate display errors and any debug settings?


Warning : file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/autoload.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/php_sessions:/tmp:…:/var/www/errors:/usr/share/pear:/home/vol2_8/ in /home/vol2_8/ on line 69

I Googled your issue, and it seems it is caused by an older version of Vonage’s nexmo-bridge trying to load /autoload.php.

This Stackoverflow thread can help:

As also mentioned in the thread, the latest version does not have this issue:


thank you for your replay . I tried every thing , after upgrading nexmo-bridge now I get error 500 without displaying any reason for the error .

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When I check your site, I now see a 502 Bad Gateway error. That’s a bit of a weird error code to see, but in my experience, it can mean one of two issues:

  • There is something completely wrong with the PHP installation on the server.
  • You are running into an account resource limit.

To figure this out, I copied your website’s code onto a testing server to check it. When I ran it there, I got the following error message:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in /var/www/html/core/vendor/vonage/nexmo-bridge/src/Autoloader.php on line 54

Both my testing server and the hosting servers have a PHP memory limit of 128 MB, so it’s very likely that your site is running into the memory limits on your hosting account too, and that’s why it’s crashing.

If at all possible, I would try removing the nexmo-bridge entirely and see if that helps. You may also find it helpful to setup a local testing server with similar specifications and limits to our servers to test for issues like this, seeing how you also found that our hosting isn’t the best at providing useful feedback in case of problems.


ok , thanks that is the problem . account resource limit .
I will remove some content from my php code and upload it again . thank you again

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