Error 500 when visiting website

Website URL

Error Message

http error 500

Other Information

When visiting my site using chrome on both my laptop and my phone I get error 500. I cleared cache/cookies and same result. I also pinged the site using command prompt and all packets were lost.

I renamed .htaccess to .htaccess_backup and same result. I am not sure how to find out what the issue is. Is there a place for me to view logs? console in the dev tools in chrome doesnt show any errors so I am not sure where to start.

Hi and welcome to the forum! Since the error is generated by the browser and not by the server, the best thing to do is to enable Display Errors with the help of this article to see the error the website is throwing:

As for this:


Thank you for your quick reply.

So I set display errors to on and I now receive this error message:

Fatal error : The file /home/vol15_1/ encoded as type [1/72] cannot be decoded by this version of the ionCube Loader. in Unknown on line 0

I have no idea what that means.
Should I google the error message? Do you happen to have any insight?

You probably have encrypted code (vendor) somewhere in your code that “belongs” to ionCube - whose version is older.
PHP source code is encoded and requires the correct version of ionCube Loader to successfully decode it. Usually, the file uses a version of the ionCube Loader for PHP 7 or earlier and cannot use ionCube loader for PHP 8.2.


Since this code belongs to them, does this mean I am not able to do anything on my end to rectify it?

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That’s probably the case. You can check with the developers of the software to see if they have a newer version that supports PHP 8.

If not, then you’ll have to wait for the developers to create a version that supports PHP 8, or use hosting that provides older versions of PHP.


Ok thanks for the help!

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