Error 404

When I look at my site it gives an error 404: We couldn’t find that page.

I have no idea why this is happening, I’m new to web hosting

site url?

For me it showed an “Error 521: Web server is down” error from Cloudflare before, but now it works. Please don’t mix both Cloudflare and our nameservers at the same time; only keep our nameservers on.


The website is in relation to my Minecraft server, I need to have an A record and a SRV you record for my server. How would I do that with InfinityFree?

You can’t add other DNS records over SPF, CNAME and MX on free hosting. You should use your own nameservers (even Cloudflare’s ones could do the job; just make sure you don’t mix both nameservers together), and make sure there is a DNS record pointing to our server for both the www and @ hostnames, while the Minecraft server should be hosted on a subdomain, for example mc, instead of only your domain, because if you host it on your domain and point the domain to two different servers the website would usually be offline.

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What is the IP to point @ and www to?

You can find it by following this KB article.

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I have made the nameservers to your nameservers but it still shows the 404 error

Have you tried clearing your browser cache?
Also please take note that your nameservers need to full propagate which takes up to 24-48 hours.

Could you also provide us your domain? So we could check it on our end as well.

The website is working for me now but my friends are saying it is giving error 521 I use cloudflare’s name servers and point the website to you guys

Ask your friends to clear their browser cache.

Also what’s your domain? So we can verify whether we will generate the same error as what your friends encountered.

They were working for everyone earlier, now it says too many redirects

My site is

What software are you using?
Are you using WordPress, Joomla or any other softwares?

You may also want to check out this thread if you’re using WP:

If you mean forum software i use mybb

Did you configured/changed your site URL in the MyBB admin panel?

It should just be It seems like the site sometimes works other times it gives an error

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