Error 403 in my site

Site: []
403 Forbidden. Server or website configuration is blocking you from viewing this page
I installed DokuWiki in my site, but when I try to open it for setting, i seeing this error. What I can doing?

(ias for my English)

This usually happens when the server cannot find your index.html or index.php file

Please make sure that you upload your files to /htdocs/wiki or to / which ever is applicable in your case


Important to note its case sensitive (from my own tests). so it has tobe index.html not Index.html.


I know, name of file was index.php.

I am sure. I checked it.
What I can doing in this case?

can you take a screenshot of the files in the file manager?

But please be sure to not show the url in the address bar as it contains your encrypted password


I didn’t realise that. Good to know. I’ll remember that for the future


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