Error 403 Access denied

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL

Error Message

403 Access denied

Other Information

Tooday i wanted it check my website but i was down for some reason same as FTP server on Online file mendager i get “Too many incorrect login attempts. Please try again in 5 minutes.” Error and on WinSCP i get this “Home directory not available - aborting” i dont know what problem is and can someone help me with it. Thanks in advance

Looks like hosting issue. Need to wait for Admin


Update: now i get 404 Error
and this message:
We couldn’t find that page.

Please check to make sure you’ve typed the URL correctly.

This webserver is CaSe SenSiTiVe so ensure capital letters in the URL match the files uploaded.

[Go Back](javascript:history.go(-1):wink: 404 tutorials and help

Yep, this is what is happening to multiple people, please have patience!


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