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(Hello, I opened a topic about my site before, I was given some advice about the solution, but none of them worked, the ssl protocol error still persists, although I tried all kinds of methods, I could not solve it, the strange part of the event is that when I try to create a new site, when I try to create a new site, the same error occurs when I try to create a new site, the site opens only with vpn, it does not open from the normal browser, maybe I tried more than ten browsers, but again I did not get any results. when I want to do http, I get http error (400).)

No issue


Issue is likely on your end

No issue as well



Hello, I doubt that the problem is from me because when dozens of my followers enter the site, they get the ssl protocol error again.

Issue is clearly on your end. Bring up this issue to your ISP


Hello, if it’s me, why do people with different ISPs have this problem?

Same country?


When I want to install any plugin, I get the following error when I log in with vpn

Getting an ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR without a VPN but enabling a VPN fixing it, that doesn’t make any sense to me. The error means that there is some problem establishing the SSL connection, and using a VPN should not resolve that.

Unless some ISPs in your country do something REALLY strange and mangle SSL connections, I cannot explain this behavior.

While also being SSL related, this is a completely different issue.

WordPress ships a file at wp-includes/certificaets/ca-bundle.crt which it uses to verify SSL certificates. However, this file is missing from your website. The way to fix this is to download a fresh copy of WordPress, find the missing file and upload it to your site.

In case more files that this one may be missing, this guide may be helpful:


I wrote a criticism to the country’s ministry responsible for the internet, I wonder if it is because of this :melting_face: Thank you for your help

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