EP Failure limit reached on website with no php

Username: [epiz_28569108]


Error Message

Temporarily Suspended for [Entry Process Limit]

Other Information

My website has now been suspended three times this month for reaching the EP limit. Looking at the stats, the website is getting minimal daily visits with no spikes, but the EP graph is spiking sporadically. The website itself contains no php. I did start the process to install wordpress, but deleted it as I realised that I didn’t need it. Could this be the issue?


If WordPress is deleted, it cannot cause an issue. If you get suspended again, please let me know.


There seems to be a huge spike in accounts having the EP limits being hit. Do you possibly think that this is a bug or error, especially with the roll-out of higher limits?


It is a possibility and is being considered. I am, however, refraining from stating that just in case it is not correct.


today when I installed new SSL in one of my domains on test the EP occur (only on HTTPS) at first and then disappeared and fixed
maybe apache cached my static contents and then fixed


Address: https://mntestover.epizy.com/

There do appear to be some issues with the EP limit, the number of EP suspensions is much higher than usual. I’m working with iFastNet to figure this out and make sure that this is corrected.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Website 2 times suspended in 1 week due to “EP Overuse”, no PHP, static site, low hits,

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