Email verification

No matter what email I use I still get the same message SMTP 554 message not allowed. Not accepted for policy reasons it’s from yahoo

Please describe your situation clearly.


can you share a screenshot of the error?

that said, a 554 error in my experience is caused by the email server rejecting the email. usually because it thinks theres something dodgy with it.

Try sending a simple email (such as “Hi from my site”) through the same process see if that works

Just to make clear to everyone what is happening here:

If the client area sends an email, there is a chance the email may be rejected by the target mail server. That could be for example because the email account does not exist or because the mail server is down. If that happens to your client area email address, then your client area profile will be restricted, and you’ll see a prompt to fix the issue. It will also show the error message reported by our mail server (which is usually the error message that the target mail server returns).

In this case, @realpinky’s email provider is returning the following error whenever we try to send it a message:

SMTP; 554 Message not allowed - [PH01] Email not accepted for policy reasons. Please visit Yahooist Teil der Yahoo Markenfamilie

Judging by the error message, it would seem that Yahoo is blocking our emails because they don’t like them for “policy reasons”. As for what that means, I can’t tell you, only Yahoo can tell.

So the situation is that we try to send you a message but your email provider, Yahoo, won’t let us.

And at this point, I think you have two options:

  • Reach out to Yahoo and ask them why they won’t let you receive our emails.
  • Use an email provider that doesn’t block legitimate emails for no apparent reason.

Oh, I thought the issue realpinky was facing was with sending emails. I see, that makes sense now.

Thank you. I create another email with another provider.

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