Email provider zoho, website migrated to infinityfree

Hi, this is more of a configuration question. I recently moved my hosting for one website into infinityfree (IF) and pointed my domain to nameservers of IF. Now, ionos, tells me that the DNS settings in there are no longer valid as nameservers are no longer pointing to their servers. Hence, I suspected my email provider zoho whose MX records I had configured in ionos wouldn’t work and surely enough, when I tested the emails, they didn,t work.

Now, I am assuming I have to setup the MX records in my IF website’s controlpanel but I am unable to find proper documentation.

Can you please point me to some documentation to do it correctly? Meanwhile, I will try playing around with it looking at zoho documentation.


Welcome back to the forum! You can setup your MX and SPF records under the “MX Records” and the “SPF Records” sections of your hosting account’s Control Panel.


Thanks. I added the MX and SPF record as indicated by ZOHO. MX verification inside of Zoho worked, SPF verification isn’t showing it working. Also, ZOHO documentation asks to add TXT record. How do I add that and CNAMEs as I see only MX and SPF can be added?

SPF records are same with TXT records now as the limitations for SPF only are removed now.
You will need a custom domain,though.Free subdomains won’t work.


Please read this thread


Thank you. So I will try adding SPF records where they ask to add TXT records and see how it goes.

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Awesome! I was able to configure cloudflare on my domain and add the DKIM/DMARC that zoho wanted to add and verify. Need to verify my understanding though: by doing this, my hosting still remains in infinityfree but DNS configurations are moved new provider cloudflare, right?



Host/ Domain Address/ Mail Server/ MX Entries/ Value Priority
@/ Blank/ Domain name**.** 10
@/ Blank/ Domain name**.** 20
@/ Blank/ Domain name**.** 50
E-Mail-Zustellung konfigurieren – Zoho Mail einrichten

IMO Zoho email & Infinity free DNS hosting do not mesh very well. With IF DNS I had many problems with zoho. I switched my DNS hosting to You can create any type of DNS record you wish & zoho is very happy with cloudflare DNS. I’m using their free plan witch requires your own domain name & NS services pointing to CF.
-Registrar= your registrar.
-Cloud Flare= Name server services.
-Email= MX records at Cloudflare pointing to zoho email servers.

Zoho will complain about missing DNS records… Create them on CF. Problem solved.

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