Domain Low

Today I created a new domain, but when I go to it it says “Cannot access the site” 5 hours have passed, how long will I have to wait and will it work at all?

You need to fill out the template when creating a topic or we can’t help you. What is your URL?


it could take more then a day for it to work

looks to be working fine to me

you might just need to wait for the relevent DNS updates that can take up to 72 hours


Yes, it works for me with VPN, but why can’t I be from Russia without it?

2 things it could be based on my experience.

1 - You might just need to wait for the DNS propergation, that can take 72 hours

2 - your ISP might be blocking it (I know mine block in which case the only way round that is either a VPN or using a diferent (or external) domain.


Working fine on my end too. Basically, is a cheat shop for Fortnite and Rust.

I don’t think this website is allowed in Infinityfree.

The What can I do with my hosting account article states that:

You cannot do anything illegal

This means that any content and activities that would be prohibited in the laws of most countries cannot be hosted with us.

Note that we say “you cannot do anything illegal” and not “you cannot host anything illegal”. We also cannot host websites which support or promote illegal activities

The Terms of Service document states that:

You will not use this Site or the Services in a manner (as determined by InfinityFree in its sole and absolute discretion) that:

  • Is illegal, or promotes or encourages illegal activity

I wasn’t sure if it was technically illegal so I didn’t want to say

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