Domain change

I previously connected to your domain and nameserver, then deleted it, forwarded my domain to a new hosting and connected to ns, but you still have the hosting of the site. I see that my account named ‘‘’’ has been deleted in ‘‘Hosting Accounts’’ section, but it still continues in your hosting. Could you please disable the domains connected to your hosting in my account. I can’t do anything because I deleted the account

Hi and welcome to the forum

That is simply not true



I think you still see a browser or DNS-cached version of your domain. I don’t know if it’s supposed to be there for soo loong.

bro can you help me with this i can’t see the plesk page there is a blank white page but i changed the nameservers

you can help yourself with this and speed things up
P.S. most routers need a restart to pull new settings

in addition, you force HTTPS but you don’t have a certificate and you have to bypass that


Does this screen mean suspend?

your device or ISP or whatever has old DNS data
and leads to that Bodis page
and it takes time for them to find out that you have changed NS
and that it now leads to another IP

your domain has nothing to do with this hosting anymore
but here is an article for you to understand a little better


I’m a little surprised that your devices keep DNS data in the cache for so long
because as far as I can see, the domain has not been on this hosting for several months



ipconfig /flushdns

in a cmd? restarting your router is best, or change DNS server in your browser
[How to Change DNS Server in Google Chrome on Computer and Mobile? h


DNS cache can sometimes take a painfully long time, but almost always it’s resolved after 3-4 days. It shouldn’t take months, which leads me to believe that this is something else.

Did you do any hosts file overrides on your computer? Or do you have a custom DNS setup on your network where you may have rerouted your domain to our servers? Please check those places for any old settings that shouldn’t be there.


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