DNS records on legacy account

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Error Message

Your domain is not yet pointing to our nameservers ns1.infinityfree.com and ns2.infinityfree.com. Please change your nameservers at your domain name provider and wait a few hours for the change to take effect. You can also create an account with a subdomain first.

Other Information

my account is the old ones, name startinng with epizy. i added ns1.epizy and ns2.epizy in my domain provider on last friday, but i still get the error. i knew i have to use that ns1.epizy and no the ns1.infinityfree ones. its ok?



Hi and welcome to the forum

looks fine to me and you can add the domain to the system

option 1 or 2

what do you see here?


Many thanks for your answer.
i dont know why, but i cant add the domain

If you are adding the domain to a new account, that’s creating a new account, not using a legacy one. You need to use the infinityfree.com nameservers to create a new account.

If you are using the legacy account and adding the domain to it (via the control panel for example), you can use the epiz nameservers.


Thanks for your answer.
i do that, im trying to add via control panel, in a legacy account… but no luck yet.

That’s not what your screenshot was showing…


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