DNS address could not be found


(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)

DNS address could not be found.

(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)

In other internet provider it works but in other internet provider not working like PLDT internet provider my free website not accessible. anyone please help me to fix this issue. There’s alternate fix this issue is to change their dns to to he accessible but how about to people who don’t know how to change dns they can’t see my resume. Thank you for answering :slight_smile:

(other information and details relevant to your question)

Welcome to the forum!

Your website works just fine, and judging by the error message DNS_PROBE_POSSIBLE, your issue is probably caused by DNS propagation.


Oh okay it means the problem is in the internet provider not it my domain? Some internet can’t access it so I need to change dns to of the internet to access my domain

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