CSS styling and structure error

Website URL


Error Message

The website’s CSS isn’t loading as if it would be in the preview when I host it using Infinityfree, but it does elsewhere. Is it a problem that can be fixed, or…? Or is this even part of the host’s problem?

I checked the website and the CSS is not working for me either. When I open the Developer Tools in my browser and open the Network tab, I see that there are many requests that are failing with a 500 status code, like this one:


A 500 status code usually means that there is PHP code running there, and that PHP code is crashing for some reason. If you want to see why it’s crashing, you can turn on Display Errors:

That said, I’m not sure that this URL is doing, but I would recommend against running PHP code to process CSS files on the fly. It can risk using too much server power and processes, and the performance benefits are debatable. So if there is a way to turn off this CSS optimization/compression system in your website, you may want to do that instead.


yeah, the website’s biggest issue is the lack of CSS structuring, which im not sure if it’s an error for infinityfree or for the developer

Hi tenoutof10,

From our testing, it’s an error for the developer. Error 500 simply means PHP code has some bug(s).

Instead of this link:

Try using static links for your CSS files like:

Combining the files does not give you a performance increase but rather more resources for creating temporary files, which consumes CPU time and adds unnecessary latency to your site. The way minification works is to have those files pre-compiled as static files before use, but with standard libraries that most other sites use, this is not necessary as well. The user probably has already loaded those from another CDN and has a cache loaded already.

Here are some replacements that can help with your case (remember to select the version, I see you using an ancient version of BS3).


thank you very much! this will help dearly!

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