CSS not applied

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Hi again!
Sorry to bother You again.
I’m bit lost. I created subdomain Elektrihind and put there my “creation”. Now I see that on some (unknown for me) reason page does not apply css, even files is there and reachable, also SSL-settings seems to be ok, but … nothing applied. When I’m using http … it does load more-less ok, beside some background images, so, could it be something wrong with security settings!? I tried different browsers, even on different computers.
Any ideas?
More thanks, Alar.

Can you provide us with the code for your <head> section so we can see if we can help you?

Your website is displaying the exact same content under both HTTP and HTTPS. See:


@Savvas , you can view the contents of the head tag yourself, the OP shared their URL.


I’m having a hard time putting my finger on the CSS issue.

The page looks unfinished CSS wise, but I don’t know exactly how it’s supposed to look when all the CSS is loaded. There are a bunch of CSS files referenced, and they are all loaded successfully, that seems fine.

Whether the code in those files is correct, I can’t tell. Most of the CSS classes and ids are randomly generated (or obfuscated?), so it’s hard to tell at a glance whether the right code is loaded.

There are some other files that appear to be missing though, including some Javascript files.


Hi and thank You!
It should look like https://varia.infutik.eu/ElektrihindEE.html, kind of. Exactly the same html file and css. Yes, there is some files missing, I’m just testing, but these should not affect loading css.
More thanks, Alar.


That page is also exactly the same on both HTTP and HTTPS. Have you tried clearing your cache? Can you show us what you see / what it should be?


The pages on both subdomains look mostly the same to me. The only thing that’s broken to me are the three boxes from Latvia, Lithuania and Finland in the center top of the page, which show a 404 page for me.


Hi and thanks!
To avoid any cache etc. issues I created new empty profile in Firefox and tried there, same to me. varia.infutik.eu/ElektrihindEE.html show ok, as it should right now, but in Elektrihind I see https://varia.infutik.eu/Elektrihind.Infutik.eu.png. Yes, boxes You mentioned is missing in last one, that’s ok, also missing js’s, doesn’t matter. In http-approach I see it like in varia.infutik, except mentioned empty boxes. Odd.
More thanks, Alar.

All is looking good from here:

I don’t know why it’s not working for you.


Hi and thanks again to all!
Yes, it must look like You see it. Odd. I still have same view of page. Also, changed bit in css (one left margin) … it does work ok on local machine, copied to server, it does not apply changes (meaning on https://varia.infutik.eu/ElektrihindEE.html page which looks ok to me, too), but on server is css (in real) as changed, I checked directly. So … where is this place keeping cache, I wonder! Yes, did clear the cache locally.
Anyway, thanks!
Terv, Alar.

Our hosting doesn’t cache any data on the server, but Cloudflare may be caching resources on their end. You may want to enable Development Mode on your website to disable those temporarily.


Hi again!
Well from my perspective generally no changes, I still don’t see both mentioned pages as expected, but … today I tried with Opera … all the same as varia.infutik.eu/Elektrihind.Infutik.eu.png, but then I switched on built-in VPN and … I started to see pages more-less as expected on https://varia.infutik.eu/ElektrihindEE.html and Elektrihind, except one thing … both is (must be) using same css’s (meaning same files, in different dir’s), but on (second) one I see page is shifted right, on another (first one) I don’t see it as it must be, no shift. As soon I switch VPN off and press Ctrl-F5 … all the same as on png, no formatting at all on second one page, on first one appear this shift to right I noted and which is not here via VPN as it shouldn’t.
So, somewhere “in the wild” is kept some sort of cache, don’t You think!?
More thanks, Alar.

Did you already look into Cloudflare’s cache like I wrote before?

That’s the only cache I can think of that doesn’t live in your browser.


Hi again and thanks!
I haven’t, but … now I did and … You were absolutely right! First I … looked into Cloudflare more deeply, found and switched on Development Mode and saw pages appear as expected, then I purged everything and after few seconds … ok! Still, why even after few days CF didn’t update their cache!? But … this is question remains to be answered probably by CF.
So, more thanks, Alar.

Part of Cloudflare’s advantage is that it reduces strain on your website. It accomplishes this in part by having strict caching. This does mean however that you’ll want to purge the cache in Cloudflare when you make updates to your website if you can’t wait for Cloudflare to do that on its own, or use development mode while you’re making changes to your website.


Hi and thanks!
I’ll keep that in mind.
More thanks, Alar.

Our servers enforce quite long cache by default, and I think Cloudflare respects the caching headers sent by the upstream server. I don’t know from the top of my head what our servers sends, but it might send expiration dates months or years in the future. So it’s possible that Cloudflare might cache resources for that long.

I think there is some configuration you can do in Cloudflare to limit maximum cache duration.


Hi and thank You!
Well, I see in CF conf cache time limit for browsers local cache to keep, it’s 4 hours. Perhaps there is some another setting how long CF keep cache, can’t spot it right now, but, anyway, I think (even by default) few days not changing in cache server state … too long, isn’t it!? Perhaps I’m wrong. Yes, Development Mode does help out. Also, as I understood, other did see site as expected, I was the only one.
Terv, Alar.

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