Can’t seem to get to the control panels at the moment. Are they down?
The connection for this site is not secure sent an invalid response
Can’t seem to get to the control panels at the moment. Are they down?
The connection for this site is not secure sent an invalid response
I’m facing the same issue now. Looks like it may be down.
What are you trying to do? Is it doable in the normal dash
It looks like the SSL certificate for the control panel may have expired. I just checked it, and it’s working now with a new certificate that was just created today. So it also seems that the issue was already resolved.
Thanks for reply. I wanted to back up the database.
Thanks! Still not working here but that’s probably because it’s taking its time to propagate. Will try later.
Note that you can also jump into phpMyAdmin from the client area. You don’t need the control panel for that!
According to my computer, the Epizy cPanel is up (More easter eggs I’m finding! )
Thanks will do it that way. I still get the error on these urls for some reason. It’s also now spooking my malwarebytes.
That happens a lot on free hosting services. If one subdomain get reported as spam, this can trigger false positives for the whole domain.
Though I’ve been able to do what I needed by accessing phpadmin from the client area, I’m still getting the same error messages for both these cpanel links. Is it just me?
PS the malwarebytes message seems to have gone now.
Both control panel domains seem to be up from here. I can’t say for sure why they wouldn’t work from your end, but my guess is that it might still be a virus scanner or firewall or something like that preventing you from access it.
Just a quick note of thanks for the help and advice. I ended up putting the IP address in the exclusion list of malwarebytes and I can now access both links.
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