Error 500

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Error Message

Cette page n’est pas disponible pour le ne peut actuellement pas traiter. HTTP Erreur 500

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Hi there,

take note that this is an English forum, so please post in English next time.

Could you please enable display_errors in Account > PHP Options?


After I was able to apply the so-called solution and when I refresh the page, there is now a white screen that appears with no text and nothing else. Please enlighten me.

This probably means that your htdocs/.htaccess contains invalid rules. Could you please show a screenshot of its content?

I never said it was a solution — it’s just a measure aiming to better determine what is the cause.


A blank page with a HTTP ERROR 500 status code is almost always the result of crashing PHP code.

Enabling display_errors can be helpful to troubleshoot it. However, the display_errors setting can be overriden from within the PHP code itself. So if your code disables displaying errors and then breaks, no errors will be displayed.

There is no clear cut answer on what to do next. Maybe your website software has a debug mode setting to display errors anyway, or a built-in error log. Maybe you can find where display_errors is being disabled and remove that line to make the errors appear.

If all else fails, maybe you could try the developer of your website software for help. They may have some ideas on what could be going wrong, or how you could debug it.

Regardless, please understand that we know our hosting, but we know nothing of your website. We can’t tell you how to make software work that we know nothing about.


Frank mean the contents of the .htaccess file, which you don’t appear to have (Unless you modified the one that says DO NOT EDIT at the top).

So this probably applies to you:


Trying to visit your directories on your site renders a 404 error instead of a 403, which makes me suspect your website may be configured to use a different htdocs folder. Can you check which folder is configured for your website from the Domains page in your client area?


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