Cannot Login to FTP Account


Error Messager:
‘Response: 421 Home directory not available - aborting
Error: Could not connect to server’

I am not able to upload all of my website’s files at once (No chance for uploading one by one cuz it has more than 10,000 files), so i thought to use FTP instead for solving this problem. But unfortunately, this error striked on us.

Your website?
FileZilla can be used to upload your files.

That might be happening because of outage but not confirmed. Share your domain name.


At present i haven’t uploaded my website, it has too many files to be uploaded manually one by one.
Yes, I am using Filezilla, but it shows me the same error

Are you uploading files to /htdocs folder.
Also, can you share your domain name.
This error might be because of server outage.

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Actually, i haven’t uploaded any files yet, I was waiting for FTP to work, so that i could upload my Website
I too think so, that due to outage of server it may be creating problem

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