I am writing to seek your assistance with two issues I am currently facing on my hosting account:
SMTP Configuration: I am experiencing difficulties in configuring the SMTP settings for my WordPress site. Despite multiple attempts using various plugins, I continue to receive the error message: “SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.” I have verified the SMTP host, port, username, and password, and have tried both TLS and SSL encryption methods. However, the issue persists. I would appreciate your guidance on resolving this matter.
.htaccess Permissions: I am unable to write or update the required rewrite rules to the .htaccess file. The error message states: “Unable to write/update required rewrite rules to your site .htaccess. Is this file writable?” I have checked the file permissions, but I do not have the necessary access to modify them. Could you please verify and adjust the permissions for the .htaccess file to ensure it is writable?
I have also attempted to save the permalinks settings as suggested, but the problem remains unresolved. Your prompt assistance in addressing these issues would be greatly appreciated, as they are impacting the functionality of my website.
Did you use AI to write your post? It seems unnecessarily “fluffed up” with meaningless words, and is very light on account/website specific information. If you want help, just ask your question and concisely explain the situation. Please don’t waste our time with empty AI junk words.
And definitely don’t copy-paste AI spam saying you checked things when you actually didn’t. Then you’re just lying to us about the issue, and we can’t help you if you lie to us.
As for your questions themselves.
Using external SMTP servers should work with port 587 and STARTTLS (sometimes also just called TLS) encryption.
Please double check the SMTP settings to use with your email provider. And note that we do not provide SMTP servers. If that doesn’t work, please specify which SMTP hostname, port number and encryption setting you used. As well as any other relevant details, like which WordPress plugin you used for SMTP.
The .htaccess file in the root directory of your account is not writeable, but the .htaccess file in your htdocs folder is created by you and should always be editable. It should also already contain the necessary rules for WordPress permalinks if you installed WordPress correctly.
Did you check if there is a .htaccess file already, what rules it contains, and whether you can edit it?
Ciao carissimo!
Sembra che tu sia un’AI controllore XD … è va bene fai come cxxx vuoi! tanto per incominciare non sò chi sei visto che ci troviamo in un forum per la quale CHIUNQUESIA può risponddere. Ma visto che vuoi sapere se e chi e come eccoti quanto: permessi del file .htaccess al momento e visto che sono stati installati automaticamente dalla dashbord hanno permessi r-r-r con 0444 e non ho accesso al CHMOD per cambiare personalmente. (non ho i poteri) (non li voglio) (voglio solo che il mio CMS funzioni correttaemnte). in /htdocs/ il file .htaccess è presente con rw-r-r con 0644. ora visto che non credo che tu riesca a risolvere perchè neanche tu hai i poteri ti dico quanto: il sistema SMTP è solo una soluzione al fatto che il PHP non reindirizza. Ora se ritieni di essere utile a risolvere, grazie. Diversamente ciao è stato un piacere per me farti usare il traduttore.
That sounds completely normal. The .htaccess file in the root directory cannot be edited, but you can override all settings in it (which are not much), and add your own by editing the .htaccess file in the htdocs directory. And with the 644 permissions, you can edit it.
So the file is writeable. If your website says it’s not, that sounds like a bug in your website. And it’s not our responsibility to fix bugs in your website. That’s not because we’re powerless to do it, it’s just because we’re not going to spend hours debugging code for a free hosting user.
Please remember that we just provide website hosting, it’s up to you to maintain your website. And if your website is not compatible with our hosting, that’s also up to you to fix.
I’m perfectly aware that you are using SMTP because PHP mail doesn’t work. Many people using SMTP without any issues on our hosting for this very reason. If it doesn’t work for you, as far as I can tell, that’s either a problem with your configuration or the mail server you’re trying to use.
Let me make one thing clear: we cannot fix any of these issues for you. It’s your website, and you’re responsible for setting it up. We can try to help you solve the issues, but then understand that ultimately you still need to do the work, with our guidance. But you can’t just throw your hands up and demand we fix it for you.
If you are not comfortable with this balance, please consider using a managed WordPress hosting like WordPress.com instead.