Are daily limits increased over time?

I remember when i first registered İnfinityFree, IO and CPU limit was pain.

On my latest site, i synchronized 150K files using FTP, staged my site, configured it on live… I’m not even showing up on limits!

Is it because I’m doing my work with Softaculous + FTP or are limits increased over time?

Just so you know; I was using WordPress before.

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Note that the graphs update every 8 or so hours. So any usage you have done won’t appear there until some time has passed.

And no, the hits limits does not increase (And hasn’t in over 3 years I think)


It isn’t like Cyberpunk 2077’s space requirements, the hits limit always has been 50,000 per day.


Your forum account appears registered around 2021, so if you only returned recently, around 2022 the CPU and IO limits were doubled:

This may also be related to what @Greenreader9 mentioned:


Yesterday’s usage is not showing too. Anyway, waiting for todays results.

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Either my hosting plan is broken or my script is well programmed and lightweight. I can’t believe the second option anyway.

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